Home Server

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How to assign a domain name to your home web server

Windows TFTP server

New MAC: 00:06:5B:A4:8D:A1 Old MAC: 00:80:48:BA:d1:20 ?

How to change the MAC address of your machine In linux, you can change the hardware (MAC) address of your machine.This is how it is done.

% ifconfig eth0 down
% ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:06:5B:A4:8D:A1
% ifconfig eth0 up
% ifconfig eth0 |grep HWaddr

Setting MAC on the Glencoe:

%cd /var/run
%rm dhcpcd-eth0.pid
%cd /
%ifconfig eth0 down
%ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:06:5B:A4:8D:A1
%ifconfig eth0 up
%dhcpcd eth0